Sienne Rodwell

Computer Science Student

I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Summer, 2024.

Interests: Software Development, Cybersecurity, Data Science and Analysis, Programming


Rainbow Gallery Application 2023-10-03

As a final project for a software development course, my group created a social media type application for sharing artwork

Software Development Application Design Team Collaboration

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NIWC Research: DoD Data Sharing || Big Data 2023-01-15

In an internship with the Naval Information Warfare Center, I conducted a semester of research on the status and future of data sharing across the DoD.

Big Data Platform Research Presentation

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Ocean Rescue || Saving Lives 2020-2023

Since 2020, I have continuously worked as an Ocean Rescue Lifeguard, in both Charleston, SC and Hickam Harbour, HI

Team Work Dedication Commitment Communication Emergency Response

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Developing Developer

03 Dec 2023

Software development is a skill which requires expertise in a large variety of areas. In my software development course, we have learned a great many tools, from a new coding language, development environments, and coding standards, to ethics, project management,...

Software Development Toolset Skill Development

Symphonic Design

26 Nov 2023

“To understand is to perceive patterns” - Isaiah Berlin Everything in the world is made up of patterns. From behavior to math, science, language, and even nature, everything around us is made up of or can be predicted by patterns....

Software Development Design Patterns Project Management

Stupidly Smart

17 Nov 2023

Introduction Generative Artificial Intelligence A hot topic in the last year, generative artificial intelligence, aka generative AI, has had a huge impact on many different aspects of society and the world. While many people fear its power, most of us...

Artificial Intelligence Programming Generative Aritificial Intelligence

Pulling Yourself Up by the Bootstraps

02 Oct 2023

User Interface Frameworks provide a great deal of possibilities for the implementer. Due to all the options and tools provided, they may take some getting used to. However, the time investment is well worth-while, as UI frameworks are vital tools...

Software Development UI Frameworks Software Engineering Bootstrap 5

Universal Language

14 Sep 2023

Growing up, I was always a fan of math and science. I was almost always pretty good at it too! But as all children do, I sometimes would have issues with a particular math assignment here and there. I would...

Software Development Programming Coding Standards

Question Everything?

04 Sep 2023

“There is no such thing as a dumb question! If you have a question, just ask!” - many MANY teachers In a classroom setting, where information is not as easily accessible and perhaps being seen for the first time, there...

Open Source Communication Community Involvement